Friday, February 10, 2012


Hey people,
Recently i’ve been reading some stories about Twilight and RobSten,
And found an article titled “Rob said its hard to be Edward Cullen”
I thought its because of his charming and handsome good looking and loyal to Bella that made it hard but its not,
So i continue to read and Rob says “Its hard to be Edward because i need to maintain the personality, my looks and my style”
Well,  i think i have 10 score for my answer => handsome and good looking
What Rob said did make sense, i mean Edward is a vampire, that doesn’t grew old and immortal,
So he always needs to make sure he’s face to be 17 all the time, in real lives its ridiculous to keep your face as young as years ago, but in breaking dawn part 1 you can see the differences in this 4 pictures

You can see that in Breaking Dawn, Edward’s face looks more matured means he looks like older than 17. His face is not always like that
I like him and he looks so charming when his face reaction is like this     

I love this pix the most,
Anyway, if you can see the differences well its good though. Tell me what do you think of these amazing pixs in the comments section below, well GTG,
Stay cool stay tuned,

Thursday, February 09, 2012

copy n save it

for those who havent copy their TBD P1 poster,
come n copy n save this posters,
haha certainly cant give you the real one,
here it is

can this be true??

actually i dont quite remember how can i met this pix but just for asking,
can this be the real pix of the cottage mention in the Breaking Dawn book?

this one is the pix of the swan's residence during the Xmass eve,

type down your opinion in the comments section below ok folks,
stay cool stay tuned
robsten rulezz

its official XD OMG

i'm so excited to post this!!
the official twilight breaking dawn part 2 official poster (w/out casts)
haha even though there's only the date of the movie will be out,
but its still official so give it up for the .. (idk what to call it)

several days before i was surfing on the youtube,
anything about robsten i can find to feed my hungry blog,
then i found this interesting videos,
tittle : rpattz n kstew clumsy in love

i also did found other videos but i cant bare to wait it to be upload so i'll give you the tittle and you can search it on the youtube.

1.rob and kristen body language
2.flightless bird, american mouth wedding version 
3.twilight best music moments #1 _flightless bird_

okay people, thats all 
stay cool stay tuned,

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Kstew n Rpattz's address

holla guyz!!
today when i was surfing i saw the Robsten Dreams,
on their tab they have the "R and K adresses"
so i clicked on it and found this =

Kristen Stewart
The Gersh Agency
232 North Canon Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Robert Pattinson
[UK Address]
Robert Pattinson
c/o Curtis Brown Group Ltd.
Haymarket House
5th Floor, 28-29
London, SW1Y 4SP
[US Address]
Robert Pattinson
c/o Endeavor Agency
Stephanie Ritz
9601 Wilshire Blvd. Floor 3
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

hopefully you people will love it as i do,
ok people,
stay cool stay tuned,

i just can't resist it!!

I just have finished watching Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1,
Yeah it is kind a helping me to stay up until 2 am to take my medicine,
Actually if someone asked me among all of the four movies (TBD P2 excluded)
Which one did i like most, i can barely answer “All of them”
This is because each of the movies is my favourite and i can never decide which one is my favourite,
Yeah and one more thing,
The Twilight Saga Collection of mine is the most collection that i treasured most,
Maybe i’m not such a fanatic fan that i can bought Bella’s bracelet, the wedding’s hair do stuff, the Cullens crescent necklace, or any of the Twilight’s very valuable merchandise that aren’t sold in here,
But i think i have set a record as a 15 year old Twifan that have a full collection of The Saga in books and movies, not to forget trailers as well,
I think my collections are still not enough until i get the TBD P2 trailer,
Yeah am looking forward for that,
Ok folks that’s all for tonight (i guess)
Stay cool stay tuned,

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

KSTEW's Vanity Fair Photoshoot on january 30

wont stop anything

Hye readers,
Oh man this measles surely did ruin my whole week,
It didn’t only ruin my daily activities to go out of the house,
My abah won’t let me to surf the internet,
How the hell am i going to survive my week without checking and update my facebook and blog?!
The worst part is how am i going to live without any feed on ROBSTEN??!!
Oh yeah!
Talking.. i mean typing about ROBSTEN,
I only have one news about KSTEW,
Which is on last week,
She was having a photo session  on Vanity Fair in Paris,
She looks so stunning, gorgeous and beautiful!!
I’ll upload the footage once i receive them in my mailbox..
Till then,
Stay cool stay tuned,
ROBSTEN RULEZZ!!          


Right now,
Am listening to one of the Twilight soundtrack,
Flightless bird American mouth..
The song keeps playing in my mind ever since i heard it when watching Twilight,
It was played at the part where Edward dance with Bella during prom,
To me, it’s a sweet and romantic song,
Even though i can only understand only one line which is,
“have i found you... flightless bird, jealous, weeping or lost you.. American mouth”
Actually i don’t quite understand but if i’m right it means,
The singer had found his/her love which is called flightless bird,
And he/her is jealous, crying  or maybe afraid of losing the love ones,
Its like the singer doesn’t know what to do,
After all it is only my opinion,
Well, if you readers have other opinion or you really know the meaning of the whole song,
Or even the line i had given tell me in the comments section below,
Ok guys,
Stay cool stay tuned,

Friday, February 03, 2012

questions and questions

Hello folks,
Just now i was so bored and sleepy when i watch Astro Hitz (715)
The channel that time was The Music Factory,
The first video was Katy Perri – The One That Got Away,
Which is my favourite song,
The next video is Bruno Mars – It Will Rain,
My favourite song too apart from being the Twilight Breaking Dawn’s soundtrack,
The third video was Christina Perri – For A Thousand Years
Also my favourite song and TBDP1’s soundtrack..
As you can see the 2nd and 3rd music video played is my fav and TBD’s soundtrack,
And of course each of the mv has its own breaking dawn scenes,
The way i always watch the two mvs on my lappy is different from the way i see it in the television,
The feel of excitement is triple the normal time,
Maybe its because in my lappy i’d watched it personally,
While in the television i know how the broadcasting works and i felt excited to see my fav twitastic twilight on the tv worldwidely
So  i was also thinking,
Why wont Astro Diva or AXN or even TV 3 or 2 broadcast it for the viewers,
We don’t ask for the latest version of twilight,
We just want maybe the 1st or 2nd or 3rd
I’m also kinda weird,
Why Malaysia is the most latest country to get any updates about the abroad movies??
I mean like for TBD P2 in Malaysia they will sell the cinema tickets on maybe 22.11.12
Other peoples like in US or LA,
Or Chigago can watch it in early of august,
We peoples in Malaysia also want to be among the first people to watch it..
So relief my stress is gone,
Ok folks
Stay cool stay tuned,

zero weirdness

Right now im watching Breaking dawn part 1
And suddently i  was feeling weird,
During after the vow ceremony at the party,
Everyone delivered their speech but not Bella,
Then for another second i think i know why,
As all of you people know,
Kristen stewart cant deliver her speech well,
Because she is a very shy and nervous to be infront of peoples type.
So i think thats why there’s no bella’s speech,
Maybe Kristen stewart can only act but cant deliver her speech,
Ok folks,
Stay cool stay tuned,

i just cant stop smiling n grinning n laughing today

Huzza people!!
Ngahaha guess what?
I don’t have anything fresh and juicy stories about twilight,
Just wanna tell u guys,
I don’t know that they’ll ship it so fast to Malaysia,
After all this time,
I’ve got my precious thingy,
Cant wait to play it tonight,
With all the snack i’ve bought,
Eventhough it cost me rm72.90 but it worth a lot,
Now i can show it off to my most arrogant friend in the world,
She keeps telling me that how precious her little buttons of twilight eclipse are,
Farah hani, wait this upcoming Tuesday,
I’ll be showing you that i have in my hand my pre odered..
Now is ordered DVD  Breaking Dawn part 1,
Haha!!  In ur face!!!
in just a min i’d turn to a devil..
But for mt twitastic twilight,
Its okay,
I don’t mind.

do you ever wondered that maybe summit ent. should also 
do a movie maybe about jacob and renesmee or bree tanner's short life??
some peple in twivioli said they should,
cause after the twilight breaking part 2 is finish,
i think that all the twilight official clubs and blogs will be closed
in that case we can still feed our big appetite blogs,
what do you think??
voice out ur opinion in the comments box,
till then,
stay cool, stay tuned,

Thursday, February 02, 2012

ngahaha people =)

guest what people, im back..
8.2.2012 then i'll be M.I.A again,
no feeds for the blog today,
darn it!!! )=(
gonna find something to freshen up the blog!!
the blog's post is getting worser day by day,
BRB in a few HOURS?
depends on the amount of juicy story,
huhu well
thats it people,
stay cool stay tuned,